"Clusterization" and intermittency of temperature fluctuations in turbulent convection
"Intermittency" in Hydrodynamic Turbulence as Intermediate Asymptotic to Kolmogorov41 Scaling
"Locally homogeneous turbulence" Is it an inconsistent framework?
"Stokes' Second Problem in High Frequency Limit. Application to Micro (Nano)- Resonators
"Toy models" of turbulent convection and the hypothesis of the local isotropy restoration
$1/f^α$ noise and integrable systems
$\hbar \to 0$ in Kicked Harper Model: Reassurances and Surprises
$\hbar$ corrections in semi-classical formula for smooth chaotic dynamics
(1+1)-dimensional turbulence
(Global and Local) Fluctuations of Phase Space Contraction in Deterministic Stationary Non-equilibrium
(Vanishing) Twist in the Saddle-Centre and Period-Doubling Bifurcation
1/f noise in the Two-Body Random Ensemble
2-Variable Boolean Operation -- its use in Pattern Formation
2D and 3D Dense-Fluid Shear Flows via Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics. Comparison of Time-and-Space-Averaged Tensor Temperature and Normal Stresses from Doll's, Sllod, and Boundary-Driven Shear Algorithms
2D Quantum Hydrogen Atom in Circularly Polarized Microwaves
3D chaotic model for sub-grid turbulent dispersion in Large Eddy Simulations
50 Years of Computer Simulation -- a Personal View
A "saddle-node" bifurcation scenario for birth or destruction of a Smale-Williams solenoid
A $q$-anaolg of the sixth Painlevé equation
A Binary Approach to the Lorenz Model