q-deformed logistic map with delay feedback
Quadratic recurrence equations - exact explicit solution of period four fixed points functions in bifurcation diagram
Quadratic Volume Preserving Maps
Quadratic Volume-Preserving Maps: Invariant Circles and Bifurcations
Quantal Consequences of Perturbations Which Destroy Structurally Unstable Orbits in Chaotic Billiards
Quantification of depth of anesthesia by nonlinear time series analysis of brain electrical activity
Quantifiers for randomness of chaotic pseudo random number generators
Quantifying intermittency in the open drivebelt billiard
Quantifying Spatiotemporal Chaos in Rayleigh-Bénard Convection
Quantifying turbulence induced segregation of inertial particles
Quantitative indicator for semiquantum chaos
Quantitative predictions with detuned normal forms
Quantitative study of scars in the boundary section of the stadium billiard
Quantization of a billiard model for interacting particles
Quantization of a Free Particle Interacting Linearly with a Harmonic Oscillator
Quantization of Classical Maps with tunable Ruelle-Pollicott Resonances
Quantization of generic chaotic 3D billiard with smooth boundary I: energy level statistic
Quantization of generic chaotic 3D billiard with smooth boundary II: structure of high-lying eigenstates
Quantization of Hyperbolic N-Sphere Scattering Systems in Three Dimensions
Quantization of multidimensional cat maps