Who Gave you the Cauchy-Weierstrass Tale? The Dual History of Rigorous Calculus
Who Needs Isostasy? Non-Isostatic Support for Major Mountain Belts, an Example From the Northern Iran-South Caspian System
Who plays dice? Subjective uncertainty in deterministic quantum world
Who Wins Domineering on Rectangular Boards?
Whole earth structure estimated from seismic arrival times
Whole rock compositional variations in an upper mantle peridotite (Horoman, Hokkaido, Japan): are they consistent with a partial melting process?
Why are solitons stable?
Why Brouwer was right in suggesting that Hilbert's Law of the Excluded Middle needed qualification
Why can the major planets have their satellites moving in direct and retrograde orbits as well?
Why Delannoy numbers?
Why do clocks tick?
Why do partitions occur in Faa di Bruno's chain rule for higher derivatives?
Why do We See the Man in the Moon?
Why does the Ballenas Channel have the coldest SST in the Gulf of California?
Why Drill More than One Ice Core? Paleoclimate Reconstruction along a Vertical Transect in the Saint Elias Mountains
Why everyone should know number theory
Why Gabor Frames? Two Fundamental Measures of Coherence and Their Role in Model Selection
Why I don't like "pure mathematics"
Why is construction of an Ediacaran-Cambrian global paleogeography so difficult?
Why is Helfenstein's claim about equichordal points false?