Radiobiological and Magnetic Resonance Studies of Combined Radiation and Cisplatin Therapy in the 9l Rat Brain Tumour Model.
Radiobiology and photobiology on earth and in space: Points of encounter and protection considerations
Radiocarbon as a thermocline proxy for the eastern equatorial Pacific
Radiocarbon dating of peptides isolated from contaminated fossil bone collagen by collagenase digestion and reversed-phase chromatography
Radiocarbon in corals from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and implications for Indian Ocean circulation
Radiocarbon in Hydrologic Systems Containing Dissolved Magmatic Carbon Dioxide
Radiocarbon-based ages and growth rates of bamboo corals from the Gulf of Alaska
Radiochemical neutron activation analysis of trace lanthanoids in geological and cosmochemical samples.
Radioelement geochemistry of alkali granites of the Kerala region, south-west India
Radiogenic 53Cr* in Orgueil Carbonates: Chronology of Aqueous Activity on the CI Parent Body
Radiogenic 87 Sr, its mobility, and the interpretation of Rb---Sr fractionation trends in rare-element granitic pegmatites
Radiogenic Argon Release from Titan: Sources, Efficiency, and Role of the Ocean (Invited)
Radiogenic heat production in the lithosphere of Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt
Radiogenic ingrowth in systems with multiple reservoirs: applications to the differentiation of the mantle-crust system
Radiogenic isotope fingerprint of Wilkes Land-Adélie Coast Bottom Water in the circum-Antarctic Ocean
Radiogenic isotope investigation of the St-Robert H5 fall
Radiogenic isotopes - The case for crustal recycling on a near-steady-state no-continental-growth earth
Radiogenic production of 10 Be and 26 Al in uranium and thorium ores: Implications for studying terrestrial samples containing low levels of 10 Be and 26 Al
Radiohalos in a Radiochronological and Cosmological Perspective
Radioisotope-based Nuclear Power Strategy for Exploration Systems Development