Radio Sources in Opposite Directions as a Cosmological Test
Radio sources in Zwicky clusters of galaxies. II - Detailed interferometer observations and analysis
Radio Sources opposite Quasars as a Cosmological Test
Radio Sources opposite Quasars as a Cosmological Test
Radio sources with superluminal velocities
Radio spectra and morphology of Radio-Loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars
Radio structure of the `double quasar' 4C11.50
Radio survey of optically bright galaxies at 1400 MHz
Radio Transients And The New Parameter Space Explored By Synoptic Surveys
Radio Transients from Gamma-Ray Bursters
Radio wave scintillations in the ionosphere
Radio--X-ray Spectral Energy Distributions of High-redshift Quasars Observed with ISO
Radio-Microlensing in B1600+434: Probing MACHOs at High-Redshifts
Radio-Quiet Versus Radio-Loud AGN: What Makes the Difference?
Radioactive beam studies of cosmological interest
Radioactive waters from sediments
Radioactivities induced in some LDEF samples
Radioactivity and the Origin of Life in Milne's Cosmology
Radioactivity in sediments of the Great Lakes: Post-depositional redistribution by deposit-feeding organisms
Radioaktiv geheizte Supernova II-Atmosphären: Temperaturstruktur und Spektren.