Twisted Homogeneous Coordinate Rings of Abelian Surfaces via Mirror Symmetry
Twisted toric structures
Twistor theory of symplectic manifolds
Two-orbit Kähler manifolds and Morse Theory
Un théorème de convexité réel pour les applications moment à valeurs dans un groupe de Lie
Uniqueness of $L^{(1,\infty)}$-Hamiltonians and almost-every-moment Lagrangian disjunction
Uniqueness of generating Hamiltonians for continuous Hamiltonian flows
Uniqueness of symplectic canonical class, surface cone and symplectic cone of 4-manifolds with b^+=1
Uniruled symplectic divisors
Unitarity in "quantization commutes with reduction"
Universal Maslov class of Bohr - Sommerfeld lagrangian embedding to pseudo - Einstein manifold
Universal star products
Universality of quantum symplectic structure
Unwrapped continuation invariance in Lagrangian Floer theory: energy and $C^0$ estimates
Vanishing cycles and mutation
Vanishing of the contact homology of overtwisted contact 3--manifolds
Variational and Geometric Structures of Discrete Dirac Mechanics
Variations on Prequantization
Vassiliev invariants of Legendrian, of transverse and framed knots in contact 3-manifolds
Vertical Cohomologies and Their Application to Completely Integrable Hamiltonian Systems