Obstruction bundles over moduli spaces with boundary and the action filtration in symplectic field theory
Obstruction classes and Open Gromov-Witten invariants
Obstructions to Lagrangian Cobordisms between Legendrian Submanifolds
Obstructions to the Existence and Squeezing of Lagrangian Cobordisms
Obstructions to the existence of monotone Lagrangian embeddings into cotangent bundles of manifolds fibered over the circle
Odd-Symplectic group in First order PDE
On a general approach to the formal cohomology of quadratic Poisson structures
On a generalization of a theorem of McDuff
On a generalized Calabi-Yau equation
On a Priori Estimates of Nonlinear Stability in Spherically Symmetric Stellar Dynamics.
On a symplectic generalization of Petrie's conjecture
On a Theorem by Ekeland-Hofer
On a theorem due to Birkhoff
On Algebraic Integrability of Gelfand-Zeitlin fields
On almost Poisson commutativity in dimension two
On an exotic Lagrangian torus in $\mathbb{C}P^2$
On certain geometric and homotopy properties of closed symplectic manifolds
On cohomology of almost complex 4-manifolds
On cohomology of invariant submanifolds of Hamiltonian actions
On configuration spaces of stable maps