Many closed symplectic manifolds have infinite Hofer-Zehnder capacity
Maps with symplectic graphs
Marsden-Weinstein reduction for symplectic connections
Maslov class of lagrangian embedding to Kahler manifold
Maslov class rigidity for Lagrangian submanifolds via Hofer's geometry
Massey products in symplectic manifolds
Mathematical remarks on transcritical bifurcation in Hamiltonian systems
Matrix factorizations from SYZ transformations
Maximal ball packings of symplectic-toric manifolds
Maximal compact tori in the Hamiltonian groups of 4-dimensional symplectic manifolds
Maximal Hamiltonian tori for polygon spaces
Maximal Symplectic packings of $¶^2$
Maximal Tori in Contactomorphism Groups
Maximal tori in the contactomorphism groups of circle bundles over Hirzebruch surfaces
Maximal tori in the symplectomorphism groups of Hirzebruch surfaces
Melrose--Uhlmann projectors, the metaplectic representation and symplectic cuts
Méthode des Orbites et Représentations Quantiques
Metric convexity in the symplectic category
Microlocal branes are constructible sheaves
Microlocal condition for non-displaceablility