Immersed Lagrangian Floer Theory
Index computations in Rabinowitz Floer homology
Induction of Hamiltonian Poisson actions
Inequivalent contact structures on Boothby-Wang 5-manifolds
Infinitely many leaf-wise intersections on cotangent bundles
Instanton Floer homology with Lagrangian boundary conditions
Instantons and Kaehler Geometry of Nilpotent Orbits
Integrability and reduction of Poisson group actions
Integrable Hamiltonian systems on symmetric spaces: Jacobi, Kepler and Moser
Integrable invariant Sobolev metrics on the Abelian extension of the diffeomorphism group of the circle and two-component generalizations of the Camassa-Holm equation
Integrable systems and holomorphic curves
Integrals of equivariant forms over non-compact symplectic manifolds
Integration of twisted Poisson structures
Interconnection of Dirac Structures and Lagrange-Dirac Dynamical Systems
Intersection numbers in quasi-Hamiltonian reduced spaces
Intersection Numbers of Polygon Spaces
Intersection theoretic properties on the moduli space of genus 0 stable maps to a semipositive symplectic 4-manifold
Intersection theory of punctured pseudoholomorphic curves
Intersection theory on the moduli space of holomorphic curves with Lagrangian boundary conditions
Intersections of quadrics, moment-angle manifolds, and Hamiltonian-minimal Lagrangian embeddings