Quantisation commutes with reduction at discrete series representations of semisimple groups
Quantitative embedded contact homology
Quantitative symplectic geometry
Quantization commutes with reduction in the non-compact setting: the case of holomorphic discrete series
Quantization of Abelian Varieties: distributional sections and the transition from Kähler to real polarizations
Quantization of bending deformations of polygons in Euclidean space, hypergeometric integrals and the Gassner representation
Quantization of Quasi-Presymplectic Groupoids and their Hamiltonian Spaces
Quantization of the Serre spectral sequence
Quantum characteristic classes and the Hofer metric
Quantum cohomology and $S^1$-actions with isolated fixed points
Quantum cohomology of twistor spaces and their Lagrangian submanifolds
Quantum Geometry and Quantum Mechanics of Integrable Systems
Quantum Homology of fibrations over $S^2$
Quantum Structures for Lagrangian Submanifolds
Quantum unsharpness and symplectic rigidity
Quasi, twisted, and all that... in Poisson geometry and Lie algebroid theory
Quasi-Hamiltonian quotients as disjoint unions of symplectic manifolds
Quasi-morphismes et invariant de Calabi
Quasi-morphisms and symplectic quasi-states for convex symplectic manifolds
Quasi-morphisms and the Poisson bracket