A compact symplectic four-manifold admits only finitely many inequivalent toric actions
A compactification of the moduli space of twisted holomorphic maps
A Comparison of Hofer's Metrics on Hamiltonian Diffeomorphisms and Lagrangian Submanifolds
A comparison of symplectic homogenization and Calabi quasi-states
A Comparison Theorem for Gromov-Witten Invariants in the Symplectic Category
A construction for coisotropic subalgebras of Lie bialgebras
A construction of symplectic connections through reduction
A construction of the Deligne--Mumford orbifold
A convexity theorem for the real part of a Borel invariant subvariety
A convexity theorem for torus actions on contact manifolds
A cotangent bundle slice theorem
A cotangent fibre generates the Fukaya category
A Counterexample to a conjecture of Bosio and Meersseman
A Counterexample to the Quantizability of Modules
A cylindrical reformulation of Heegaard Floer homology
A de Rham theorem for symplectic quotients
A degree doubling formula for braid monodromies and Lefschetz pencils
A Deodhar type stratification on the double flag variety
A deRham model for Chen-Ruan cohomology ring of abelian orbifolds
A Duality Exact Sequence for Legendrian Contact Homology