The group of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms and continuous Hamiltonian flows
The Group of Hamiltonian Homeomorphisms in the L^\infty-norm
The group of strictly contact homeomorphisms
The growth rate of Floer homology and symplectic zeta function
The growth rate of symplectic homology and affine varieties
The Gysin exact sequence for $S^1$-equivariant symplectic homology
The Hamiltonian geometry of the space of unitary connections with symplectic curvature
The Hofer conjecture on embedding symplectic ellipsoids
The homology of path spaces and Floer homology with conormal boundary conditions
The homotopy Lie algebra of symplectomorphism groups of 3-fold blow-ups of the projective plane
The homotopy type of the space of symplectic balls in $S^2 \times S^2$ above the critical value
The homotopy type of the space of symplectic balls in rational ruled 4-manifolds
The Hormander and Maslov Classes and Fomenko's Conjecture
The index quasi-periodicity and multiplicity of closed geodesics
The infimum of the Nijenhuis energy
The Invariant Symplectic Action and Decay for Vortices
The K-theory of abelian symplectic quotients
The K-theory of abelian versus nonabelian symplectic quotients
The Kernel of the Equivariant Kirwan Map and the Residue Formula
The Kirwan map, equivariant Kirwan maps, and their kernels