Toric degenerations of Gelfand-Cetlin systems and potential functions
Toric degenerations of integrable systems on Grassmannians and polygon spaces
Toric integrable geodesic flows in odd dimensions
Toric structures on near-symplectic 4-manifolds
Toric Structures on Symplectic Bundles of Projective Spaces
Toric symplectic ball packing
Toric symplectic singular spaces I: isolated singularities
Torsion and Open Book Decompositions
Torsion in the full orbifold K-theory of abelian symplectic quotients
Torus actions on small blow ups of CP^2
Torus fibrations and localization of index I
Totally Non-coisotropic Displacement and Its Applications to Hamiltonian Dynamics
Toward a topological characterization of symplectic manifolds
Towards a good definition of algebraically overtwisted
Towards Generalizing Schubert Calculus in the Symplectic Category
Towards relative invariants of real symplectic 4-manifolds
Transitive Subgroups of Transvections Acting on Some Symplectic Symmetric Spaces of Ricci Type
Translated points and Rabinowitz Floer homology
Transversality for Holomorphic Supercurves
Transversality problems in symplectic field theory and a new Fredholm theory