Symplectic invariants of some families of Lagrangian T^3 fibrations
Symplectic Killing spinors
Symplectic leaves and symplectic ideals
Symplectic leaves in real Banach Lie-Poisson spaces
Symplectic manifolds with disconnected contact type boundary in dimension 4n
Symplectic Manifolds with Vanishing Action-Maslov Homomorphism
Symplectic mapping class groups of some Stein and rational surfaces
Symplectic maps of complex domains into complex space forms
Symplectic Microgeometry I: Micromorphisms
Symplectic Microgeometry II: Generating functions
Symplectic Microgeometry III: Monoids
Symplectic nilmanifolds with a symplectic non-free $Z_3$-action
Symplectic Origami
Symplectic packings in dimension 4 and singular curves
Symplectic Parshin-Arakelov inequality
Symplectic quasi-states and semi-simplicity of quantum homology
Symplectic quasi-states on the quadric surface and Lagrangian submanifolds
Symplectic rational blow-down along Seifert fibered 3-manifolds
Symplectic real Bott manifolds
Symplectic reduction of quasi-morphisms and quasi-states