Symplectic Floer homology of area-preserving surface diffeomorphisms
Symplectic foliations and generalized complex structures
Symplectic forms and cohomology decomposition of almost complex 4-manifolds
Symplectic forms and surfaces of negative square
Symplectic forms invariant under free circle actions on 4--manifolds
Symplectic forms on the space of embedded symplectic surfaces and their reductions
Symplectic four-manifolds and conformal blocks
Symplectic generic complex structures on 4-manifolds with b_+ = 1
Symplectic geography in dimension 8
Symplectic Geometry
Symplectic geometry of semisimple orbits
Symplectic geometry on moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves
Symplectic Group Actions and Covering Spaces
Symplectic groupoids and discrete constrained Lagrangian mechanics
Symplectic Homogenization
Symplectic homology product via Legendrian surgery
Symplectic homology, autonomous Hamiltonians, and Morse-Bott moduli spaces
Symplectic hypersurfaces and transversality in Gromov-Witten theory
Symplectic implosion
Symplectic integrators in the realm of Hofer's geometry