Sutures and contact homology I
Symbolic calculus for Toeplitz operators with half-forms
Symmetric pairs and moment spaces
Symmetric symplectic spaces with Ricci-type curvature
Symmetrical Symplectic Capacity with Applications
Symmetries and Integrability
Symmetries and reduction of multiplicative 2-forms
Symmetries of Lagrangian fibrations
Symmetry and symplectic reduction
Symmetry of a symplectic toric manifold
Symplectic $T_7$, $T_8$ singularities and Lagrangian tangency orders
Symplectic $W_8, W_9$ singularities
Symplectic action around loops in $\text{Ham}(M)$
Symplectic actions of 2-tori on 4-manifolds
Symplectic and Hamiltonian properties of holomorphic coadjoint orbits
Symplectic Birational Geometry
Symplectic Calabi-Yau manifolds, minimal surfaces and the hyperbolic geometry of the conifold
Symplectic capacities of domains in C^2
Symplectic capacities of toric manifolds and related results
Symplectic capacity and short periodic billiard trajectory