Examples of non $d_ω$-exact locally conformal symplectic forms
Examples of Non-Kähler Hamiltonian circle manifolds with the strong Lefschetz property
Existence and stability of foliations by J-holomorphic spheres
Existence of Bogomol'nyi solitons via Floer theory
Existence of closed characteristics on compact convex hypersurfaces in $\R^{2n}
Existence of leafwise intersection points in the unrestricted case
Existence of relative periodic orbits near relative equilibria
Existence of symplectic structures on torus bundles over surfaces
Existence of Symplectic Surfaces
Exotic symplectic manifolds from Lefschetz fibrations
Exploded Fibrations
Exploded Manifolds
Exponential sums, peak sections, and an alternative version of Donaldson's theorems
Extended Weyl Calculus and Application to the Phase-Space Schrödinger Equation
Extensions of Banach Lie-Poisson spaces
Extensions of Lie-Rinehart algebras and cotangent bundle reduction
Extrinsic symplectic symmetric spaces
Extrinsically Immersed Symplectic Symmetric Spaces