Information Divergence is more chi squared distributed than the chi squared statistics
Information theoretic interpretation of frequency domain connectivity measures
Information-theoretic limits on sparse signal recovery: Dense versus sparse measurement matrices
Information-theoretic limits on sparsity recovery in the high-dimensional and noisy setting
Innovated higher criticism for detecting sparse signals in correlated noise
Insuring against loss of evidence in game-theoretic probability
Integral curves of noisy vector fields and statistical problems in diffusion tensor imaging: nonparametric kernel estimation and hypotheses testing
Integral representations and properties of operator fractional Brownian motions
Integral representations for convolutions of non-central multivariate gamma distributions
Integral representations of one dimensional projections for multivariate stable densities
Integrated volatility and round-off error
Intensity estimation of non-homogeneous Poisson processes from shifted trajectories
Intensive natural distribution as Bernoulli success ratio extension to continuous: enhanced Gaussian, continuous Poisson, and phenomena explanation
Intersection Bounds: Estimation and Inference
Interval Estimation of Bounded Variable Means via Inverse Sampling
Intrinsic Bounds and False Discovery Rate Control in Multiple Testing Problems
Intrinsic tests for the equality of two correlated proportions
Introduction to the Lehmann special section
Invariance principles for linear processes with application to isotonic regression
Invariant $P$-values for model checking