Factor models and variable selection in high-dimensional regression analysis
Factorial PD-Clustering
Fading statistics and sensing accuracy of ocean scattered GNSS and altimetry signals
False discovery and false nondiscovery rates in single-step multiple testing procedures
False discovery rate control with multivariate $p$-values
Fast algorithms of Bayesian Segmentation of Images
Fast change point analysis on the Hurst index of piecewise fractional Brownian motion
Fast computation by block permanents of cumulative distribution functions of order statistics from several populations
Fast Computation Of the Economic Capital, the Value at Risk and the Greeks of a Loan Portfolio in the Gaussian Factor Model
Fast Computation of the Expected Loss of a Loan Portfolio Tranche in the Gaussian Factor Model: Using Hermite Expansions for Higher Accuracy
Fast learning rates for plug-in classifiers
Fast learning rates for plug-in classifiers under the margin condition
Fast learning rates in statistical inference through aggregation
Fast learning rates in statistical inference through aggregation
Fast Non-Parametric Bayesian Inference on Infinite Trees
Fast Poisson Noise Removal by Biorthogonal Haar Domain Hypothesis Testing
Fast rate of convergence in high dimensional linear discriminant analysis
Fast rates for empirical vector quantization
Fast rates for support vector machines using Gaussian kernels
Fast rates in learning with dependent observations