P-values for classification
PAC-Bayesian aggregation and multi-armed bandits
Pac-bayesian bounds for sparse regression estimation with exponential weights
PAC-Bayesian inductive and transductive learning
Panel Cointegration with Global Stochastic Trends
Parallelism, Uniqueness, and Large-Sample Asymptotics for the Dantzig Selector
Parameter estimates for fractional autoregressive spatial processes
Parameter Estimation for Hidden Markov Models with Intractable Likelihoods
Parameter Estimation for Multiscale Diffusions
Parameter estimation in a spatial unit root autoregressive model
Parameter estimation in linear regression driven by a Gaussian sheet
Parameter Estimation in Manneville-Pomeau Processes
Parameter estimation in pair hidden Markov models
Parameter estimation of high-dimensional linear differential equations
Parameter estimation of ODE's via nonparametric estimators
Parameter identifiability and redundancy: theoretical considerations
Parameter identifiability in a class of random graph mixture models
Parameter tuning in pointwise adaptation using a propagation approach
Parameterization of Copulas and Covariance Decay of Stochastic Processes with Applications
Parametric bootstrap approximation to the distribution of EBLUP and related prediction intervals in linear mixed models