Estimation of the Error Density in a Semiparametric Transformation Model
Estimation of the Hurst parameter from discrete noisy data
Estimation of the Location of a 0-type or $\infty$-type Singularity by Poisson Observations
Estimation of the mean of functional time series and a two sample problem
Estimation of the Memory Parameter of the Infinite Source Poisson Process
Estimation of the spectral measure of multivariate regularly varying distributions
Estimation of the volume of an excursion set of a Gaussian process using intrinsic Kriging
Estimation of the Weibull tail-coefficient with linear combination of upper order statistics
Estimation of trend in state-space models: Asymptotic mean square error and rate of convergence
Estimation of volatility functionals in the simultaneous presence of microstructure noise and jumps
Estimation of Weibull Shape Parameter by Shrinkage Towards an Interval Under Failure Censored Sampling
Estimator selection in the Gaussian setting
Estimator selection with respect to Hellinger-type risks
Estimators for the interval censoring problem
Estimators of diffusions with randomly spaced discrete observations: A general theory
Estimators of Long-Memory: Fourier versus Wavelets
Evaluating Default Priors with a Generalization of Eaton's Markov Chain
Evaluating Pricing Strategy Using e-Commerce Data: Evidence and Estimation Challenges
Evaluating probability forecasts
Evaluation for moments of a ratio with application to regression estimation