Density estimation with quadratic loss: a confidence intervals method
Density-Sensitive Semisupervised Inference
Dependency and false discovery rate: Asymptotics
Dependent Lindeberg central limit theorem and some applications
Depth weighted scatter estimators
Derivative-based global sensitivity measures: general links with Sobol' indices and numerical tests
Design Flaws in the Implementation of the Ziggurat and Monty Python methods (and some remarks on Matlab randn)
Design Issues for Generalized Linear Models: A Review
Detecting a conditional extrme value model
Detecting a Vector Based on Linear Measurements
Detecting abrupt changes of the long-range dependence or the self-similarity of a Gaussian process
Detecting change-points in a discrete distribution via model selection
Detecting changes in functional linear models
Detecting changes in the fluctuations of a Gaussian process and an application to heartbeat time series
Detecting multiple change-points in general causal time series using penalized quasi-likelihood
Detecting Positive Correlations in a Multivariate Sample
Detecting spatial patterns with the cumulant function. Part I: The theory
Detection boundary in sparse regression
Detection of a sparse submatrix of a high-dimensional noisy matrix
Detection of an anomalous cluster in a network