Heavy ion irradiation test to gas electron multipliers
Heavy points of a d-dimensional simple random walk
Heavy tail phenomenon and convergence to stable laws for iterated Lipschitz maps
Heavy tail properties of stationary solutions of multidimensional stochastic recursions
Heavy tails in last-passage percolation
Heavy traffic analysis for EDF queues with reneging
Heavy traffic analysis of open processing networks with complete resource pooling: asymptotic optimality of discrete review policies
Heavy traffic limit for a processor sharing queue with soft deadlines
Heavy traffic limit theorems for a queue with Poisson ON/OFF long-range dependent sources and general service time distribution
Heavy traffic on a controlled motorway
Heavy-traffic analysis of the maximum of an asymptotically stable random walk
Heavy-traffic limits for waiting times in many-server queues with abandonment
Height process for super-critical continuous state branching process
Heightened Odds of Large Earthquakes Near Istanbul: An Interaction-Based Probability Calculation
Helffer-Sjostrand representation for conservative dynamics
Helical magnetic field structure in M 31?
Helium in the Early Universe
Heterogeneous reactions in aircraft gas turbine engines
Heterogeneous reactions of N2O5 with H2O and HCl on ice surfaces - Implications for Antarctic ozone depletion
Heuristic derivation of the probability distributions of particles emitted by a black hole.