Asymptotics of the maximal radius of an $L^r$-optimal sequence of quantizers
Asymptotics of the minimum manipulating coalition size for positional voting rules under IC behaviour
Asymptotics of the Norm of Elliptical Random Vectors
Asymptotics of the odometer function for the internal Diffusion Limited Aggregation model
Asymptotics of the probability minimizing a "down-side" risk
Asymptotics of the Spectral Gap for the Interchange Process on Large Hypercubes
Asymptotics of the visibility function in the Boolean model
Asymptotics of unitary and othogonal matrix integrals
Asymptotics of visibility in the hyperbolic plane
Asympyotic expansions for infinite weighted convolutions of light subexponential distributions
Atlas models of equity markets
Atmospheric damage from ionizing radiation
Atmospheric delay tracking in a long-baseline optical stellar interferometer
Atmospheric effects on space object imagery
Atmospheric Modeling of Cool Giant and Supergiant Stars
Atmospheric parameters of 1907 metal-rich stars (Robinson+, 2007)
Atmospheric Variations and Meteorite Production on Mars
Atmospheric visibility monitoring for planetary optical communications
Atomic Absorption Coefficients and Transition Probabilities
Atomic branching ratio data for oxygen-like species