Asymptotic risks of Viterbi segmentation
Asymptotic sampling formulae for Lambda-coalescents
Asymptotic shape for the chemical distance and first-passage percolation in random environment
Asymptotic shape for the contact process in random environment
Asymptotic spectral independence of Wigner ensembles
Asymptotic stability for a class of Markov semigroups
Asymptotic Stability of the optimal filter for non-ergodic signals
Asymptotic stability of the Wonham filter for ergodic and nonergodic signals
Asymptotic support theorem for planar isotropic Brownian flows
Asymptotic theorems of sequential estimation-adjusted urn models
Asymptotic theory for fractional regression models via Malliavin calculus
Asymptotic theory for the multidimensional random on-line nearest-neighbour graph
Asymptotic velocity of one dimensional diffusions with periodic drift
Asymptotical behaviour of the presence probability in branching random walks and fragmentations
Asymptotically Optimal Importance Sampling for Jackson Networks with a Tree Topology
Asymptotically optimal quantization schemes for Gaussian processes
Asymptotically Tight Steady-State Queue Length Bounds Implied By Drift Conditions
Asymptotics for Exit Problem and Principal Eigenvalue for a Class of Non-Local Elliptic Operators Related to Diffusion Processes with Random Jumps and Vanishing Diffusion
Asymptotics for first-passage times of Lévy processes and random walks
Asymptotics for first-passage times on Delaunay triangulations