Some Software Packages for Partial SVD Computation
Sparse PCA: Convex Relaxations, Algorithms and Applications
Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction Algorithms
Sparse Recovery, Kashin Decomposition and Conic Programming
Sparse SOS Relaxations for Minimizing Functions that are Summations of Small Polynomials
Spatially-distributed coverage optimization and control with limited-range interactions
Spectral Design of Dynamic Networks via Local Operations
Spectral Optimization Problems
Spinning rough disk moving in a rarefied medium
Split rank of triangle and quadrilateral inequalities
Stability and Robustness Analysis of Nonlinear Systems via Contraction Metrics and SOS Programming
Stability and stabilization: Discontinuities and the effect of disturbances
Stability Margins of $\mathcal{L}_1$ Adaptive Controller: Part II
Stability of Constrained Adaptive Model Predictive Control Algorithms
Stability of Filters for the Navier-Stokes Equation
Stability of leaderless multi-agent systems. Extension of a result by Moreau
Stability of linear switched systems with quadratic bounds and Observability of bilinear systems
Stability of Observer Based Predictive Control for Nonlinear Sampled-data Systems
Stability of PID-Controlled Linear Time-Delay Feedback Systems
Stability of Planar Nonlinear Switched Systems