Backstepping design for incremental stability
Backward Linear Control Systems on Time Scales
Backward variational approach on time scales with an action depending on the free endpoints
Bad semidefinite programs: they all look the same
Balanced realizations of discrete-time stable all-pass systems and the tangential Schur algorithm
Balanced Reduction of Nonlinear Control Systems in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
Band Control of Mutual Proportional Reinsurance
Band Gap Optimization of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Using Semidefinite Programming and Subspace Methods
Bang--bang trajectories with a double switching time: sufficient strong local optimality conditions
Basis Reduction, and the Complexity of Branch-and-Bound
Bat Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimisation
Bayesian optimization using sequential Monte Carlo
Being serious about non-commitment: subgame perfect equilibrium in continuous time
Beneath the valley of the noncommutative arithmetic-geometric mean inequality: conjectures, case-studies, and consequences
Best $\ell_1$-approximation of nonnegative polynomials by sums of squares
Beyond the PI Controllers in First-Order Time-Delay Systems
Billiards and two-dimensional problems of optimal resistance
Biology-Derived Algorithms in Engineering Optimization
Block diagonalization for algebra's associated with block codes
Block-diagonal semidefinite programming hierarchies for 0/1 programming