Packing and Partitioning Orbitopes
Packing ellipsoids with overlap
PackLib^2: An integrated library of multi-dimensional packing problems
PageRank optimization applied to spam detection
Parallel Approximation and Integer Programming Reformulation
Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for Computing Maximal Structured Singular Value
Parallel Information Algorithm with Local Tuning for Solving Multidimensional GO Problems
Parallel Proximal Algorithm for Image Restoration Using Hybrid Regularization -- Extended Version
Parallelizing a State Exchange Strategy for Noncooperative Distributed NMPC
Parameter Estimation of Sigmoid Superpositions: Dynamical System Approach
Parameter-Dependent S-Procedure And Yakubovich Lemma
Parametric Integer Programming in Fixed Dimension
Parametrization of the regular equivalences of the canonical controller and its applications
Parareal in time intermediate targets methods for optimal control problem
Pareto efficiency for the concave order and multivariate comonotonicity
Pareto Optima of Multicriteria Integer Linear Programs
PARNES: A rapidly convergent algorithm for accurate recovery of sparse and approximately sparse signals
Partial Gröbner bases for multiobjective integer linear optimization
Partial synchronicity and the (max,+) semiring
Partial-realization theory and algorithms for linear switched systems: A formal power series approach