Survey of late-type and irregular southern galaxies on plates taken with the UK 1.2-M Schmidt telescope. III
Survey of late-type and irregular southern galaxies on plates taken with the UK 1.2-m Schmidt telescope. IV
Survey parameters and availability of low-level aeromagnetic data for geomagnetic field modelling
Survey Science with ASKAP: EMU - Evolutionary Map of the Universe
Survey Science with ASKAP: Variables and Slow Transients (VAST)
Surveying for Mass via Weak Lensing
Surveying Spacetime with Supernovae
Surveying the Galactic Halo with 2MASS-Selected Horizontal Branch Candidates
Surveying the High-Redshift Universe with the VIMOS IFU
Surveying the Newly Digitized Apollo Metric Images for Highland Fault Scarps on the Moon
Surveying the Origin of O VI Gas at Low Redshift
Surveying the Origin of O VI Gas at Low Redshift
Surveying the Origin of O VI Gas at Low Redshift
Surveys of fields around quasars. IV - Luminosity of galaxies at Z roughly 0.6 and preliminary evidence for the evolution of the environment of radio-loud quasars
Survival of a microbial soil community under Martian conditions
Survival of blue-green algae under primitive atmospheric conditions
Survival of microorganisms in smectite clays: Implications for Martian exobiology
Survival of reactive carbon through meteorite impact melting
Surviving cosmological models after the discovery of large-angle anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background
Surviving the limits to life at the surface of Mars