R magnitude of cluster of galaxies (Trentham+, 2002)
R- and T-Regions in Space-Time with Spherically Symmetric Space
R-Mode Oscillations and Spindown of Young Rotating Magnetic Neutron Stars
R3D-B2 - Measurement of ionizing and solar radiation in open space in the BIOPAN 5 facility outside the FOTON M2 satellite
Racemization of amino acids in marine sediments determined by gas chromatography
Racemization of Meteoritic Amino Acids
Racetrack and Bonnie Claire: southwestern US playa lakes as analogs for Ontario Lacus, Titan
Radar "Stealth" terrain on Mars: Evidence of a pyroclastic eruption west-northwest of Arsia Mons volcano
Radar - New techniques and applications /Clifford Paterson Lecture/
Radar altimetry of Mercury - A preliminary analysis
Radar and satellite observations of the storm time cleft
Radar characteristics of the equatorial plains of Venus from Goldstone observations - Implications for interpretation of Magellan data
Radar images of Mars
Radar Images of Near-Earth Asteroid 2005 CR37
Radar Imaging of Binary Near-Earth Asteroid 1998 ST27
Radar Imaging of Mercury
Radar Investigations at Apollinaris Mons, Mars: a non-Volcanic composition for the Fan Deposits and the Potential for a Caldera Paleolake
Radar Investigations of Asteroids
Radar Ionospheric Impact Mitigation
Radar mapping of the Venus surface from the Venera 15 and 16 probes