Sobolev mappings, degree, homotopy classes and rational homology spheres
Sobolev mappings: Lipschitz density is not a bi-Lipschitz invariant of the target
Sobolev mappings: Lipschitz density is not an isometric invariant of the target
Sobolev regularity and an enhanced Jensen inequality
Sobolev regularity for the Monge-Ampere equation in the Wiener space
Sobolev spaces with respect to measures in curves and zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials
Sobolev, Poincare and isoperimetric inequalities for subelliptic diffusion operators satisfying a generalized curvature dimension inequality
Sofic equivalence relations
Sofic groups and convolution operators
Sofic groups and diophantine approximation
Soft ideals and arithmetic mean ideals
Solution and stability of generalized mixed type cubic, quadratic and additive functional equation in quasi-Banach spaces
Solution of a problem of Peller concerning similarity
Solution of the truncated hyperbolic moment problem
Solution of variational inequality problems on fixed point sets of nonexpansive mappings using iterative methods
Solutions of nonlocal cosmological equations
Solving Chisini's functional equation
Some Applications of Operator-Valued Herglotz Functions
Some approximation properties of Lupa\cs $q$-analogue of Bernstein operators
Some approximation theorems