Ideal amenability of Banach algebras on locally compact groups
Ideal norms and trigonometric orthonormal systems
Ideal norms associated with the UMD-property
Idéaux fermés de certaines algèbres de Beurling et application aux opérateurs à spectre dénombrable
Idempotent functional analysis: an algebraic approach
Idempotents et échantillonnage parcimonieux
Identification of minimum phase preserving operators on the half line
Image Normalization of Wiener-Hopf operators and boundary-transmission value problems for a junction of two half-planes
Image restoration by a regularization method - Application to seeing integrated profile
Imbedding Exotic Hida-Kubo-Takenaka Spaces into usual Hida distributions
Implicit functions from topological vector spaces to Fréchet spaces in the presence of metric estimates
Impressions of convexity - An illustration for commutator bounds
Improved bounds in the scaled Enflo type inequality for Banach spaces
Improved Sobolev Inequalities and Muckenhoupt weights on stratified Lie groups
In-betweenness: a geometric monotonicity property for operator means
Incomparable, non isomorphic and minimal Banach spaces
Index Theory for Boundary Value Problems via Continuous Fields of C*-algebras
Indirect Approach To The 2H(d,p)3H Reaction Study
Induced Measures on "Mu**"- measurable Sets
Inductive algebras and homogeneous shifts