B(H) lattices, density and arithmetic mean ideals
B(l^p) is never amenable
B-Fredholm and Drazin invertible operators through localized SVEP
B-spline quasi-interpolant representations and sampling recovery of functions with mixed smoothness
Badly approximable matrix functions and canonical factorizations
Balanced Colombeau products of the distributions $x_{\pm}^{-p}$ and $x^{-p}$
Balanced distribution-energy inequalities and related entropy bounds
Balls are Maximizers of the Riesz-Type Functionals with Supermodular Integrands
Banach $\widetilde{\mathbb C}$-algebras
Banach algebras of pseudodifferential operators and their almost diagonalization
Banach embedding properties of non-commutative L^p-spaces
Banach frames for alpha-modulation spaces
Banach function algebras with dense invertible group
Banach space properties forcing a reflexive amenable Banach algebra to be trivial
Banach space valued mean periodic functions
Banach spaces and Ramsey Theory: some open problems
Banach spaces determined by their uniform structures
Banach spaces of bounded Szlenk index
Banach Spaces of Bounded Szlenk Index II
Banach Spaces Of The Type Of Tsirelson