K-divisibility constants for some special couples
k-hyponormality of finite rank perturbations of unilateral weighted shifts
k-hyponormality of multivariable weighted shifts
k-hyponormality of powers of weighted shifts via Schur products
K-theory for algebras of operators on Banach spaces
Kaczmarz algorithm in Hilbert space and tight frames
Kadec norms on spaces of continuous functions
Kadec-Pelczynski decomposition for Haagerup L_p-spaces
Kahane-Khinchin type Averages
Kannan Fixed-Point Theorem On Complete Metric Spaces And On Generalized Metric Spaces Depended an Another Function
Kantorovich metric:initial history and little-known applications
Kernel theorem for the space of Beurling - Komatsu tempered ultradistibutions
Kernel Theorems in Spaces of Tempered Generalized Functions
Kernels of surjections from ${\cal L}_1$-spaces with an application to Sidon sets
Kernels of vector-valued Toeplitz operators
Khinchin inequality and Banach-Saks type properties in rearrangement-invariant spaces
Khinchin's inequality, Dunford--Pettis and compact operators on the space $\pmb{C([0,1],X)}$
Kohomologie mit Schranken und Fortsetzung holomorpher Funktionen durch lineare stetige Operatoren
Kolmogorov compactness criterion in variable exponent Lebesgue spaces
Koplienko Trace Formula