Minimal generators of toric ideals of graphs
Minimal Graded Free Resolutions for Monomial Curves Defined by Arithmetic Sequences
Minimal Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity
Minimal Homogenous Liaison and Licci Ideals
Minimal Involutive Bases
Minimal monomial ideals and linear resolutions
Minimal Monomial Reductions and the Reduced Fiber Ring of an Extremal Ideal
Minimal polynomial of an exponential automorphism of C^n
Minimal Prime Ideals and Semistar Operations
Minimal primes of ideals arising from conditional independence statements
Minimal Primes Over Permanental Ideals
Minimal Reductions and Cores of Edge Ideals
Minimal Resolution of Relatively Compressed Level Algebras
Minimal systems of binomial generators and the indispensable complex of a toric ideal
Minors of symmetric and exterior powers
Mixed Buchsbaum--Rim Multiplicities
Mixed characteristic homological theorems in low degrees
Mixed ladder determinantal varieties from two-sided ladders
Mixed multiplicities of arbitrary modules
Mixed multiplicities of ideals versus mixed volumes of polytopes