Lifting chains of prime ideals
Lifting finite self maps of equicharacteristic complete local rings
Lifting Grobner bases from the exterior algebra
Lifting Monomial Ideals
Lifting the determinantal property
Linear balls and the multiplicity conjecture
Linear bounds on growth of associated primes
Linear equations for the number of intervals which are isomorphic with Boolean lattices and the Dehn--Sommerville equations
Linear independence over tropical semirings and beyond
Linear Quotients of the Square of the Edge Ideal of the Anticycle
Linear spaces, transversal polymatroids and ASL domains
Linear syzygies and birational combinatorics
Linearity Defect and Regularity over a Koszul Algebra
Linearity Defects of Face Rings
Linearity defects of modules over commutative rings
Linkage of finite Gorenstein dimension modules
Linkage of modules over Cohen-Macaulay rings
Links of prime ideals
Links of prime ideals and their Rees algebras
Links of symbolic powers of prime ideals