A Littlewood-Paley type theorem on orthoprojectors onto wavelet subspaces
A local smoothing estimate in higher dimensions
A Lost Theorem: Definite Integrals in Asymptotic Setting
A map on the space of rational functions
A Marcinkiewicz maximal-multiplier theorem
A matrix generalization of Euler identity e^(ix) = cosx + i sinx
A matrix Rodrigues formula for classical orthogonal polynomials in two variables
A measure-theoretic version of the Dragomir-Jensen inequality
A method for locating where the real part of the Riemann zeta function becomes negative for its real argument greater than one
A minimal integral of the Riemann $Ξ$-function
A model for the continuous q-ultraspherical polynomials
A Modified Multifractal Formalism for a Class of Self-Similar Measures
A mu-differentiable Lagrange multiplier rule
A multi-dimensional resolution of singularities with applications to analysis
A multidimensional generalization of Shukla's 8-psi-8 summation
A multiparameter summation formula for Riemann theta functions
A Multiplicity result for a class of strongly indefinite asymptotically linear second order systems
A Nagumo-like uniqueness result for a second order ODE
A new approach in the theory of ordinary differential equations with small parameter
A New Approach to Generalized Fractional Derivatives