Bailey Type Transforms and Applications
Bandlimited approximations to the truncated Gaussian and applications
Basic analog of Fourier series on a {\large $\que$}-quadratic grid
Basic Hypergeometric Functions as Limits of Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions
Basics of Volterra integral equations on time scales
BCR algorithm and the $T(b)$ theorem
Bead sliding and convex inequalities
Behavior of weak type bounds for high dimensional maximal operators defined by certain radial measures
Bellman Function and the $H^1-BMO$ Duality
Bellman function technique for multilinear estimates and an application to generalized paraproducts
Bergman-type Singular Integral Operators on Metric Spaces
Bernoulli inequality and hypergeometric functions
Bernoulli type polynomials on Umbral Algebra
Bernstein operators for exponential polynomials
Bernstein Operators for Extended Chebyshev Systems
Bers and Hénon, Painlevé and Schroedinger
Besicovitch-Federer projection theorem and geodesic flows on Riemann surfaces
Besov spaces for Schrodinger operators with barrier potentials
Besov-Type Spaces on $R^d$ and Integrability for the Dunkl Transform
Bessel convolutions on matrix cones