Sample Paths in Wavelet Theory
Sampling and interpolation in de Branges spaces with doubling phase
Sampling in a Union of Frame Generated Subspaces
Sarkozy's Theorem for P-Intersective Polynomials
Scale free SL(2,R) analysis and the Picard's existence and uniqueness theorem
Scaled Asymptotics For Some $q$-Series As $q$ Approaching Unit
Schlesinger transformations for algebraic Painleve VI solutions
Schur flows and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle
Schur functions and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle
Schur type inequalities for complex polynomials with no zeros in the unit disk
Schur-class multipliers on the Arveson space: de Branges-Rovnyak reproducing kernel spaces and commutative transfer-function realizations
Schur-class multipliers on the Fock space: de Branges-Rovnyak reproducing kernel spaces and transfer-function realizations
Search on the Brink of Chaos
Searching optimal shapes for blades of a fan
Searching symbolically for Apery-like formulae for values of the Riemann zeta function
Second order difference equations and discrete orthogonal polynomials of two variables
Second order differentiability of paths via a generalized 1/2-variation
Second order differential operators having several families of orthogonal matrix polynomials as eigenfunctions
Second order, multi-point problems with variable coefficients
Second structure relation for $q$-semiclassical polynomials of the Hahn Tableau