Value-at-Risk and expected shortfall for linear portfolios with elliptically distributed risk factors
Vanishing Mean Oscillation Spaces Associated with Operators Satisfying Davies-Gaffney Estimates
Variables Scaling to Solve a Singular Bifurcation Problem with Applications to Periodically Perturbed Autonomous Systems
Variation and oscillation for singular integrals with odd kernel on Lipschitz graphs
Variation and oscillation inequalities for convolution products
Variation for singular integrals on Lipschitz graphs: L^p and endpoint estimates
Variation for the Riesz transform and uniform rectifiability
Variation operators on $BMO$ in the Schrödinger setting
Variational bounds for a dyadic model of the bilinear Hilbert transform
Variational estimates for paraproducts
Variations on a Theme by James Stirling
Variations on a theorem of Beurling
Variations on the Theme of Journe's Lemma
Various applications of the (exponential) complete Bell polynomials
Vector Fields on the Space of Functions Univalent Inside the Unit Disk via Faber Polynomials
Vector interpretation of the matrix orthogonality on the real line
Vector valued inequalities for families of bilinear Hilbert transforms and applications to bi-parameter problems
Vector- valued distributions and Hardy's uncertainty principle for operators
Vertical versus conical square functions
Vibration Spectra of the $m$-Tree Fractal