A concise proof of Oppenheim's double inequality relating to the cosine and sine functions
A connection between orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and matrix orthogonal polynomials on the real line
A connection formula between the Ramanujan function and the $q$-Airy function
A connection formula of the $q$-confluent hypergeometric function
A Connection Formula of the Hahn-Exton $q$-Bessel Function
A constructive Borel-Cantelli Lemma. Constructing orbits with required statistical properties
A continuation principle for a class of periodically perturbed autonomous systems
A Converse of the Jensen Inequality for Convex Mappings of Several Variables and Applications
A Converse Sum of Squares Lyapunov Result with a Degree Bound
A Coordinate-Dependent Local Resolution of Singularities with Applications
A counterexample to a multilinear endpoint question of Christ and Kiselev
A counterexample to a weak-type estimate for potential spaces and tangential approach regions
A counterexample to Khabibullin's conjecture for integral inequalities
A Counterpart of Bessel's Inequality in Inner Product Spaces and Some Gruss Type Related Results
A Counterpart of Schwarz's Inequality in Inner Product Spaces
A criteria for correct solvability in L_p(R) of a general Sturm-Liouville equation
A criterion for compactness in L_p(R) of the resolvent of the maximal Sturm-Leovuile operator of general form
A critical-exponent Balian-Low theorem
A deconvolution estimate and localization in spline-type spaces
A density theorem for parameterized differential Galois theory