Two Weight Inequalities for Maximal Truncations of Dyadic Calderón-Zygmund Operators
Two Weight Inequality for the Hilbert Transform: A Real Variable Characterization
Two-dimensional series evaluations via the elliptic functions of Ramanujan and Jacobi
Two-dimensional Systems that Arise from the Noether Classification of Lagrangians on the Line
Two-point Taylor Expansions of Analytic Functions
Two-weight norm inequalities for potential type and maximal operators in a metric space
Type II Hermite-Padé approximation to the exponential function
Ubiquity of simplices in subsets of vector spaces over finite fields
UC hierarchy and monodromy preserving deformation
Ultimate Generalization to Monotonicity for Uniform Convergence of Trigonometric Series
Ultrametric Cantor Sets and Growth of Measure
Ultrametric Cantor sets and Origin of Anomalous Diffusion
Ultraspherical multipliers revisited
Un théorème de Helson pour des séries de Walsh
Uncertainty constants and quasispline wavelets
Uncertainty in time--frequency representations on finite Abelian groups and applications
Uncertainty Principle Inequalities Related to Laguerre-Bessel Transform
Uncertainty principles for orthonormal bases
Uncertainty principles for orthonormal sequences
Une inégalité à poids pour un opérateur type potentiel