A Note on the Inverse Laplace Transformation of $f(t)$
A note on the main theorem for absolutely monotonic functions
A note on the off-diagonal Muckenhoupt-Wheeden conjecture
A note on the parameterisation of Besicovitch sets
A note on the q-derivative operator
A note on the R. Fuchs's problem for the Painlevé equations
A note on the solution of the Mexican hat problem
A Note on the Weighted Harmonic-Geometric-Arithmetic Means Inequalities
A note on the well posed anisotropic discrete BVP's
A note on topological methods for a class of Differential-Algebraic Equations
A note on twisted discrete singular Radon transforms
A Note on Wiener-Hopf Determinants and the Borodin-Okounkov Identity
A notion of rectifiability modeled on Carnot groups
A null series with small anti-analytic part
A one-dimensional variational problem with continuous Lagrangian and singular minimizer
A package on formal power series
A package on orthogonal polynomials and special functions
A Pair of Difference Differential Equations of Euler-Cauchy Type
A pair of non-homeomorphic product measures on the Cantor set
A perturbed differential resultant based implicitization algorithm for linear DPPEs