A New Ostrowski-Type Inequality for Double Integrals
A new periodicity concept for time scales
A New Proof of a Theorem in Analysis by Generating Integrals and Fractional Calculus
A new weak type estimate for Marcinkiewicz integrals on weighted Hardy spaces
A non-MRA $C^r$ frame wavelet with rapid decay
A nonlinear inequality and applications
A nonlinear inequality and evolution problems
A nonlinear stationary phase method for oscillatory Riemann-Hilbert problems
A nonterminating 8-phi-7 summation for the root system C_r
A Note about Stabilization in $A_\R(\D)$
A note on $H^p_w$-boundedness of Riesz transforms and $θ$-Calderón-Zygmund operators through molecular characterization
A note on absolute summability factors
A note on additivity of polygamma functions
A note on an inverse scattering problem for the Helmholtz equation on the line
A Note on Carleman's Inequality
A note on certain inequalities for bivariate means
A note on Chudnovsky's Fuchsian equations
A note on classical and p-adic Fréchet functional equations with restrictions
A note on discrete fractional integral operators on the Heisenberg group
A note on dyadic coverings and nondoubling Calderón-Zygmund theory