Classical Analysis and Nilpotent Lie Groups
Classical elliptic hypergeometric functions and their applications
Classification of Fuchsian systems and their connection problem
Classification of Generalized Multiresolution Analyses
Classification rationnelle et confluence des systemes aux differences singuliers reguliers
Classifications of linear operators preserving elliptic, positive and non-negative polynomials
Classifying Cantor Sets by their Fractal Dimensions
Clifford-Gegenbauer polynomials related to the Dunkl Dirac operator
Closed-form formulae for the derivatives of trigonometric functions at rational multiples of $π$
Closure properties of solutions to heat inequalities
CLT Variance Associated with Baxendale's SDE
CMV matrices and little and big -1 Jacobi polynomials
Coefficients of Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle and Higher Order Szego Theorems
Combinatorial orthogonal expansions
Combined Delta-Nabla Sum Operator in Discrete Fractional Calculus
Combined dynamic Gruss inequalities on time scales
Comment on the orthogonality of the Macdonald functions of imaginary order
Commutators of integral operators with variable kernels on Hardy spaces
Commutators of singular integrals on generalized $L^p$ spaces with variable exponent
Commutators with Reisz Potentials in One and Several Parameters