Covering groups of non-connected topological groups revisited
Covering Homology
Covering morphisms of crossed complexes and of cubical omega-groupoids with connection are closed under tensor product
Covering morphisms of groupoids, derived modules and a 1-dimensional Relative Hurewicz Theorem
Covering space theory for directed topology
Criteria for Components of a Function Space to be Homotopy Equivalent
Criteria for homotopic maps to be so along monotone homotopies
Cross effects and calculus in an unbased setting
Crossed complexes and homotopy groupoids as non commutative tools for higher dimensional local-to-global problems
Crossed complexes, and free crossed resolutions for amalgamated sums and HNN-extensions of groups
Crossed flux homomorphisms and vanishing theorems for flux groups
Crossed interval groups and operations on the Hochschild cohomology
Crossed modules and the homotopy 2-type of a free loop space
Cubes and Generalized Real Bott Manifolds
Cubical abelian groups with connections are equivalent to chain complexes
Cubical approximation for directed topology
Cubical cospans and higher cobordisms (Cospans in algebraic topology, III)
Cup and cap products in intersection (co)homology
Cup-products in generalized moment-angle complexes
CW simplicial resolutions of spaces, with an application to loop spaces