L'anneau de cohomologie de toutes les variétés de Seifert
L-infinity maps and twistings
L-S categories of simply-connected compact simple Lie groups of low rank
L-stable functors
L2-torsion, the measure-theoretic determinant conjecture, and uniform measure equivalence
La filtration de Krull de la categorie U et la cohomologie des espaces
Lawrence-Sullivan models for the interval
Lecture by Michael Hopkins: the string orientation of tmf
Lectures on the Cohomology of Finite Groups
Lectures on the stable homotopy of BG
Lefschetz Coincidence Theory for Maps Between Spaces of Different Dimensions
Leibniz Cohomology and the Calculus of Variations
Lie algebras and cohomology of congruence subgroups
Lie algebras associated to fiber-type arrangements
Lie bialgebras and the cyclic homology of $A_\infty$ structures in topology
Lie coalgebras and rational homotopy theory II: Hopf invariants
Lie coalgebras and rational homotopy theory, I: Graph coalgebras
Lie elements in pre-Lie algebras, trees and cohomology operations
Lie-Hopf algebras and loop homology of suspension spaces
Lifting Problems and Transgression for Non-Abelian Gerbes