De Rham intersection cohomology for general perversities
De Rham model for string topology
Décalage and Kan's simplicial loop group functor
Decompositions involving Anick's spaces
Decompositions of looped co-H-spaces and applications
Deconstructing Hopf spaces
Defining and Computing Topological Persistence for 1-cocycles
Deformation bicomplex of module-algebras
Deformation of Singularities and the Homology of Intersection Spaces
Degree-regular triangulations of the double-torus
Degrees of maps between Grassmann manifolds
Delocalized equivariant cohomology and resolution
Delooping totalization of a multiplicative operad
Delta-discrete $G$-spectra and iterated homotopy fixed points
Dendroidal Sets
Dendroidal sets and simplicial operads
Dendroidal sets as models for connective spectra
Depth and homology decompositions
Derivatives of embedding functors I: the stable case
Derivatives of the identity and generalizations of Milnor's invariants