m-structures determine integral homotopy type
Making Lifting Obstructions Explicit
Manifold calculus and homotopy sheaves
Manifolds admitting a $\tilde G_2$-structure
Mapping degrees of self-maps of simply-connected manifolds
Mapping spaces and homology isomorphisms
Mapping spaces in Quasi-categories
Mapping stacks of topological stacks
Maps to spaces in the genus of infinite quaternionic projective space
Massey Product and Twisted Cohomology of A-infinity Algebras
Massey products and configuration spaces
Massey products in graded Lie algebra cohomology
Matrads, Biassociahedra and A_{\infty}-Bialgebras
Matrix invariants of Spectral categories
Matrix problems and stable homotopy types of polyhedra
Matrix problems, triangulated categories and stable homotopy types
Maurer-Cartan moduli and models for function spaces
Measure homology and singular homology are isometrically isomorphic
Measuring Shape with Topology
Miller Spaces and Spherical Resolvability of Finite Complexes