Swing Options Valuation: a BSDE with Constrained Jumps Approach
Symmetries of the Black-Scholes equation
Systemic losses in banking networks: indirect interaction of nodes via asset prices
Systemic Risk in a Unifying Framework for Cascading Processes on Networks
T-Systems and the lower Snell envelope
Tail Behaviour of the Euro
Target market risk evaluation
Taxes in a simple wealth distribution model by inelastically scattering particles
Temporal Evolution of Financial Market Correlations
Temporal structure and gain/loss asymmetry for real and artificial stock indices
Testing the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) on the Uganda Stock Exchange
The "S" Curve Relationship between Export Diversity and Economic Size of Countries
The (unfortunate) complexity of the economy
The 2006-2008 Oil Bubble and Beyond
The additive property of the inconsistency degree in intertemporal decision making through the generalization of psychophysical laws
The affine LIBOR models
The alchemy of probability distributions: beyond Gram-Charlier expansions, and a skew-kurtotic-normal distribution from a rank transmutation map
The Australian Phillips curve and more
The Bellman equation for power utility maximization with semimartingales
The Berthon Dynamometer